Monthly Archives: April 2016

April 2016

Demucking operations – First quarter of 2016

2016-04-06T13:37:44+00:0005/04/2016|Tags: |

Eco-Oil concluded in March 2016 the demucking operation in ASPEN SPIRIT, NORDIC SPIRIT and PROTEO, with a total of 380 tons of sludge removed. After the success of the demucking operation of ZEUS in November 2015, in March 2016 Eco-Oil accomplish a similar operation in the sister-vessel PROTEO, which is managed by the same company.

Eco-Oil completes the activated carbon column investment.

2016-04-05T11:09:15+00:0005/04/2016|Tags: , |

Designed as a last resort unit and positioned after the biological treatment, will reduce the number of retreatment cycles and increase availability. With this investment is improved environmental performance of the treatment and guaranteed an effluent free of contaminants. The advantage is twofold, both the environmental dimension, by improving the quality of the treated effluent, [...]

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