Monthly Archives: February 2020

February 2020

Eco-Oil, PME Leader 2019

2020-02-26T18:48:25+00:0026/02/2020|Tags: |

Once again Eco-Oil was distinguished with the “PME Líder” brand, which is a recognition of the company's good financial indicators. According to the IAPMEI website, “the PME Líder status is a seal of reputation of companies created by IAPMEI to distinguish the merit of national SMEs with superior performances (…), based on the best ratings [...]

Bruna Coelho

2020-02-26T11:48:21+00:0026/02/2020|Tags: |

Under the protocol established with FCT, Bruna Coelho started her Collaboration with Eco-Oil with the objective of carrying out the dissertation, which will allow her to complete the master’s in Chemical and Biochemical Engineering. At Eco-Oil she will work on the processes of valorization and optimization of the Fuel production unit. “We are very optimistic [...]

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