
March 2021

2020 Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability (CRS) Report- “People first”


Eco-Oil's first Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability Report firmly intends to strengthen Eco-Oil's culture, deepening its approach to Social Responsibility issues. “This initiative is part of a profound reorganization of the Integrated Quality, Environment and Safety System, which allows Eco-Oil to be requalified for the challenge of decarbonising the economy. Which constitutes a potential threat to [...]

February 2021



Eco-Oil has made the tanks cleaning from a fuel oil storage tank, with a capacity of 15000 m3 located at the Terminal. It was necessary to allocate external manpower and specific equipment to carry out this operation. Around 10 cleaning operators were involved simultaneously, having collected 156,1 tons of sludge from inside, in 13 days [...]

January 2021

Launch of the EcoGreen Power Brand


EcoGreen Power, label the brand of Our fuel. 100% recycled EcoGreen Power seeks to highlight the environmental benefits of consuming a low-carbon fuel. By consuming EcoGreen Power, our Customers avoid the emission of many tons of CO2, associated with the traditional Life Cycle of fossil fuels, while at the same time, by favoring EcoGreen Power [...]

Eco-Oil, What if, black could be green too?


Eco-oil has been present as speaker in the online SEARICA conference dedicated to Managing ships effluents within the Green Deal. Session was moderated by Mrs. Deirdre CLUNE, and Nuno Matos on behalf of Eco-Oil and also Euroshore has made the presentation, What if, black could be green too? Nuno Matos has started the presentation [...]

PME Líder 2020


In 2020 Eco-Oil has been distinguished, once again, with the “PME Líder” brand, which is a recognition of the company’s good financial indicators. According to the IAPMEI website, “the PME Líder status is a seal of reputation of companies created by IAPMEI to distinguish the merit of national SMEs with superior performances (…), based [...]

November 2020

Tanquisado 7500 m3 Tank Cleaning


Eco-Oil has made the tanks cleaning from a fuel oil storage tank, with a capacity of 7500 m3 located at the Terminal. It was necessary to allocate external manpower and specific equipment to carry out this operation. Between 2 and 10 cleaning operators were involved simultaneously, having collected 147.5 tons of sludge from inside, in [...]

Public Consultation of the legislation on the General Regime of Waste Management


Eco-Oil has activity participate in the public consultation of the Proposal for the amendment of the General Waste Management Regime, having also sent its suggestions to the business associations to which it belongs.

Tower Crane


Eco-Oil and Tanquisado launched the tender for the rehabilitation of the tower positioned in the Maritime terminal licensed by APSS. The tower requalification is part of the set of add-ons and responsibilities of the concession and should be completed in the first half of 2021. “This work is very important to ensure the safety of [...]

Conclusion of Bruna Coelho’s Master Thesis

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Within the scope of the protocol established with FCT, Faculty of Science and Technology of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa, the dissertation “Optimization of a residual fuel oil production unit, recovered from marine and industrial oily residues, as well as the study of the increment of value of this fuel oil.” was discussed and approved. [...]

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