Eco-Oil is part of a business group that includes, as the most relevant companie, QTA – Serviços de Gestão Ambiental, SA; Eco-Oil also has a strong institutional link to Ecodeal, SA, a company that since 2008 runs an Integrated management of hazardous and non hazardous waste, located in the municipality of Chamusca.

Group Companies

QTAQTA - Serviços de Gestão Ambiental, S.A.
QTA – Serviços de Gestão Ambiental, S.A. resulted from the independence of the Department of “Water Treatment Plant Management” of the former Quimitécnica Ambiente, SA.. It began its operations in October 2009, being heir of the knowledge and expertise and know how acquired over the years by the mother company in the treatment of industrial and domestic effluents.
It acts particularly in the industrial sector, in the treatment of liquid industrial effluents and management of networks of industrial waters, working in this area with the major national companies, putting the knowledge and expertise accumulated inside the company and team available to serve all types of industries.