Eco-Oil began its operations in June 1st 2001, integrated in the universe of financial holdings of CUF – Companhia União Fabril SGPS, S.A. (sub-holding of José de Mello Group for the Chemicals sector).
It was founded with the purpose of assisting tankers destined to Lisnave shipyards, based in Mitrena that, at that point, also integrated José de Mello Group.
The decision of the construction of Eco-Oil facilities resulted from the shipyard facilities change from Lisbon to Setúbal and the consequent mandatory need of the shipyard to promote proper forwarding and treatment of waste and hydrocarbon mixtures generated on board tankers, according to MARPOL 73/78 (International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships).
After Eco-Oil´s installation, Lisnave added an important differentiation technical factor in the ship repair market in the segment for tankers. This brought the ability to offer its customers a degassing service, with a highly convenient location, nearby by the shipyard, and that contributes to the rapid entry of the ship at the dock in gas-free conditions, condition required for the execution of the repair work in total safety for tankers.
Eco-Oil once again receives the exclusive Platinum distinction from the EcoVadis Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability (CRS) system and maintains the distinction of SME Excellence.
EcoGreen Power maintains its sustainability certification and confirms a 99% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions when compared to alternative fossil fuels.
Eco-Oil was highlighted as a success case in the Annual Report of the Observatory of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Portuguese companies, an initiative of the Center for Responsible Business & Leadership (CRB) at Católica-Lisbon.
The fuel produced under the EcoGreen Power brand achieves sustainability certification, ISCC Plus, International Sustainability and Carbon Certification. It becomes the world’s first fuel to obtain complete certification.
Eco-Oil receives the exclusive Platinum distinction from the EcoVadis Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability (CRS) system and maintains the PME Excellence distinction.
Registration of the EcoGreen Power trademark.
Eco-Oil is awarded the PME Excellence Award.
In 2020, it is acquired by a national company – Murfacém Lda. – fully owned by one of its previous shareholders.
GOLD seal certificate by ECOVADIS for our highest performance in Corporate Social Responsibility.
Eco-Oil makes the transitions to ISO 45001: 2018 and certifies the integrated quality, environment and safety management system, according to ISO 9001: 2015, ISO 14001: 2015 and ISO 45001: 2018.
Eco-Oil is distinguished, once again with the import label award of Excellence SME.
Eco-Oil finishes the presidency of the Euroshore.
Eco-Oil, along with 7 other business partners, founded the Fuel Oil Recyclers Association (ARF) and assumes the Vice-Presidency. The main objective of the ARF is to represent the fuel recycling sector and to foster a transparent and inclusive legal framework, as a fundamental pillar of the circular economy.
The first stone of the future Eco-Oil Bahamas was laid, in Freeport – Grand Bahama island.
Eco-Oil has been awarded with GOLD certificate by ECOVADIS in Corporate Social Responsibility.
Eco-Oil is distinguished, once again with the import label award of SME Leading Company.
Eco-Oil has adhered to the principles of social responsibility and sustainability of CEFIC’s Responsible Care program.
The new Fuel refinery has entered in Production, which allowed to boost the industrial activity and to increase the quality of the fuel produced.
In 2016, Eco-Oil assumes the chair in the Euroshore International Association, with an ambitious plan to modernize the European Association.
Release of the new Environmental License, No. 8 / 1.0 / 2015, within a maximum annual capacity of 373,000 tons for waste treatment and 60 000 tons for refined oil.
In 2015, a major investment program has been lunched associated with increasing capacity and efficiency in water treatment and improving the quality of the fuel produced.
In 2014, Eco-Oil holds the Vice-presidency of Euroshore.
In 2012, the certification scope is expanded to “Collection, Reception and Treatment of oily waters of marine or land origin and valorisation of hydrocarbons through the production and commercialization of fuel oil” and Eco-Oil obtained an integrated certification of its quality system with both the Environmental Management System and the Occupational health and safety management system, in compliance with the requirements of the standards NP EN ISO 14001: 2004 and OHSAS 18001: 2007.
In 2012, Eco Oil begins an important process of renovation and updating of the treatment system as well as the control and monitoring of water treatment and also the integration of new units in the treatment of fuel.
In 2010, Eco-Oil was merged into Quimitécnica Environment, SA, which was renamed as Eco Oil.
The company starts its internationalization strategy, with the analysis of various investment opportunities in other locations.
In 2009, it was completed successfully the quality certification project and Eco-Oil obtains the certification by NP EN ISO 9001: 2008 standard.
In 2008 Eco-Oil begins to study its opening up to international markets, actively seeking business diversification through new partnerships.
It also begins the process of expansion of the European Waste List codes that it can manage on its facilities.
In 2006, through a “Management Buyout” Eco-Oil is acquired by the top management of the company.
Eco-Oil began its operations in June 1st 2001, integrated in the universe of financial holdings of CUF – Companhia União Fabril SGPS, S.A. (sub-holding of José de Mello Group for the Chemicals sector).