With a focus on regenerating oily waste for fuel production, Eco-Oil fits the principles of Circular Economy offering the market a cleaner and 100% recycled fuel oil.
The treated waste coming from shipping activities, directly collected at the Eco-Oil terminal or imported from different European jurisdictions, is treated and processed in Eco-Oil refinery.
The new corporate image is part of a larger initiative, design to present Eco-Oil has a producer of 100% recycled energy, with a focus on the use of eco-efficient technologies, the satisfaction of its Customers and the protection of the environment.
The fuel produced with exclusive use of wastes, avoids the exploitation of natural resources while solving an environmental problem.
“The alignment of Eco-Oil’s strategy with the new image frames complementary initiatives, such as: new website, institutional presentation video – which I invite everyone to see; and the new Fuel label to be launched in 2021 ”, says Nuno Matos, Managing Director at Eco-Oil.
Eco-Oil – Treatment of Águas Contaminadas, SA, is the Portuguese company with the largest installed capacity for the treatment of water contaminated with hydrocarbons. It has an integrated quality, environment and safety system certified by ISO standards. Eco-oil is Leading SME, and a subscriber of the Chemical Industry Responsible Care Program and received the maximum distinction in EcoVadis’ international corporate social responsibility assessment system.