Treatment of hazardous waste from land-based sources

Tratamento de resíduos perigosos de origem terrestre

Eco-Oil is the Portuguese company with largest capacity for the treatment of water contaminated with hydrocarbons.

It has the possibility of receiving liquid or paste waste, carried out either in tanks or hydropneumatic tanks and it is licensed to receive about 373,000 tons per year.

The waste is initially subjected to a sieving process to separate the coarse solids, the sludges are dehydrated in centrifugal equipment, the liquid fraction is subjected to a phase separation process for the recovery of the hydrocarbons; the aqueous fraction is subjected to the treatment process, and after completely decontaminated, it is safely discharged in Sado.

LER Code List and Authorised Treatment Operations

What do we do differently

  • Efficient waste separation

    During the discharge process, the waste transported in hydropneumatic tanks are immediately separated, which maximizes the efficiency of the treatment and subsequent forwarding to landfill of hazardous waste, whether contaminated sludge or coarse solids, like rags, bottles, leaves and all kinds of the material normally drawn into the run-off collectors in areas considered as contaminated.

  • High storage capacity

    Through the design and management of the storage capacities and treatment, the reception of waste by land, transported by tanker, is always available, with a guidance policy towards the customer needs, without constraints in the capacity of reception.

Access to Restricted Area

Here you can find technical documentation concerning the activities of hazardous waste treatment of terrestrial origin, developed by Eco-Oil.

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