
According to the integrated management system for quality, environment and safety, which is certified, Eco-Oil ensures the environmental protection to control all the operations and interactions with the environment, including:

  • The application of the best practices and best available technologies;
  • Constantly monitoring the implementation of the environmental management plan;
  • The compliance with the mitigation measures of risks and potential environmental impacts of the activity;
  • The minimization of waste generation and focus on its recovery and valorisation;
  • The control and optimization of resources consumption and the establishment of ambitious goals to improve the environmental performance;
  • The control and monitoring of emissions, either liquid or gaseous;
  • The control of the noise and vibrations level in the plant.

It worth to note that the treatment unit of Eco-Oil is competent and internationally recognized as one of the most efficient and competitive.


In Eco-Oil all employees are committed to achieve an operation free from accidents, in order to ensure their health and safety, the preservation of assets and the protection of the environment.

This commitment is only possible with a responsible attitude of all and an irreproachable behaviour in ensuring the non-occurrence of rule breaking and the establishment of the best defined practices.


Eco-Oil - Golfinhos roazes no rio Sado

The preservation of the environment is a key concern for Eco-Oil, which is reflected in all the activities developed by the company, either in the design and project either in the daily operation of the unit.

The unit is equipped with a biological treatment that guarantees a reduced impact on the environment. The waste is processed cyclically until they reach the appropriate level to discharge into a sensitive medium – in this respect it is worth to mention the important community of existing bottlenose dolphins in the river Sado.

Protection of Environmental Values