
November 2020

Conclusion of Bruna Coelho’s Master Thesis

2020-11-29T21:25:31+00:0001/11/2020|Tags: |

Within the scope of the protocol established with FCT, Faculty of Science and Technology of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa, the dissertation “Optimization of a residual fuel oil production unit, recovered from marine and industrial oily residues, as well as the study of the increment of value of this fuel oil.” was discussed and approved. [...]

July 2020

February 2020

Bruna Coelho

2020-02-26T11:48:21+00:0026/02/2020|Tags: |

Under the protocol established with FCT, Bruna Coelho started her Collaboration with Eco-Oil with the objective of carrying out the dissertation, which will allow her to complete the master’s in Chemical and Biochemical Engineering. At Eco-Oil she will work on the processes of valorization and optimization of the Fuel production unit. “We are very optimistic [...]

July 2019

Guillaume Figueira

2020-02-26T18:15:09+00:0026/07/2019|Tags: |

Guillaume Figueira, Master in Chemical and Biochemical Engineering from the Faculty of Science and Technology of the University Nova de Lisboa, assumes since July 2019 the functions of Head of Laboratory and it’s part of the team dedicated to Special Projects. We count on him to reinforce the technical development of the Company and to [...]

February 2019

Beatriz Lobeiro

2019-02-28T10:05:34+00:0028/02/2019|Tags: |

Beatriz Lobeiro began her internship in February as a laboratory technique. The internship is a result of a Protocol established between Eco-Oil and School  D. João II in Setúbal, integrated with the Professional Course of Laboratory Technician. At the end of this course, the students have to develop their capacities in a professional context. The [...]

Célia Pedro

2019-02-28T10:14:42+00:0014/02/2019|Tags: |

Since February 14, Célia Pedro has been assigned with the industrial responsibility of Eco-Oil, as Process Engineer. With evident leadership skills and recognized commitment, Celia will play the leading role left by João Correia who will take the responsability of Eco-Oil Bahamas Project.

January 2019

Luís Martins

2019-02-28T10:14:09+00:0030/01/2019|Tags: |

Luís Martins joined Eco-Oil’s team in January 2019. With a degree in chemical engineering and a brief experience in the industry, he will take the lead in the laboratory and collaborate in new research and development projects - Luís will also receive operational training in all areas of the industrial facilities.

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