
July 2019

Ship anchored in the port of Lisbon for more than a year ago, was decontaminated at Eco-Oil

2020-02-26T12:06:50+00:0026/07/2019|Tags: |

The Rio Arauca vessel, held in the port of Lisbon for almost two years, as a result of the enormous crisis experienced in Venezuela, was decontaminated at Eco-Oil in July 2019. The ship, managed by the company Petróleos de Venezuela (PDVSA), was decontaminated at Eco-Oil and went on to repair at the Lisnave shipyard - [...]

December 2018

October 2015

Tokyo Spirit

2015-11-18T21:47:45+00:0021/10/2015|Tags: , |

Crude oil tanker TOKYO SPIRIT ran aground in Cascais Bay, Lisbon, Portugal, on Oct 17, pushed aground by strong storm. Vessel was proceeding to Cascais for repairs, no cargo on board. However, vessel needed to transfer 25 thousand tons of water from ballast tanks to cargo tanks to help the salvage. Those wastes were contaminated [...]

May 2015

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